Communication Dodgers Ego Boners and Outright Lies

Bro's Body Language: Is He Feeling Me

Letting Down the Butt Hurt Guy

Why A Guy Isn’t Going To Hop Into Bed With You

Your Rear End or Your Pride

Haven't Got the Balls to Dump You

Fadeaway and Forget Me Not

Why He Chose Her Instead of You

Finally, and the best reason of all, the comedians will do a lot of leg work for you and your budding relationship.  They will bring up all those topics which are normally verboten in the early stages of dating someone.  Want to know your girl’s opinion on oral sex?  Personal grooming?  Relationships?  Take her to a comedy show.  Not only will her reactions to jokes let you know her thoughts, but you can easily broach the topics after the show, when you take her to the conveniently-located bar upstairs.


One word of warning, if you think she is easily offended, avoid the front row to be safe.


We’ve probably all done it. You meet someone or you go out on a date, and afterward you think ‘oh I’ll just text them, that’s harmless’. Then maybe the same thing happens again… and again… and suddenly you’re the stalker guy. Annoyingly, in modern dating there is a fairly fine line between caring and stalking.


I once went out on a first date, and within about 12 hours of the date ending, I received eight (yes, 8) messages/calls from this person. Do you think this was an incentive to call them back or go out with them again? Not so much.


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